Sunday, October 9, 2022

New From Luciano!

Sometimes you just need some Luciano in your life! Today, we've got you on that with a pair of LOVELY new tunes, 'Writing on The Wall' from Jahni Record on their new Kinship Riddim and 'Come Again' via Blessed Morning Production (same label had a big tune by the name of 'Jah Is The Real Boss' by Mikey General sometime last year).


They are both excellent tracks, but if you hear the vibes on 'Come Again' and you do not fall in love with it - please leave these pages and never, ever return! BOOM!


  1. Been awhile since we heard about ginjah

  2. It has been awhile. Good to see you Cassa, hope all is well.

  3. Yes much better you are writing again
