By far, the most reaction I've gotten from a list on this blog has been (if I recall correctly), the very first one, The 10 Sexiest Caribbean Artists, where I listed the. . . Well I listed who I though at the time were the 10 Sexiest Caribbean Artists (DUH). Well 10 just wasn't enough, so I always thought that I would revisit the topic, so here we go. Here is a next list of 10 absolutely BEAUTIFUL specimens who catch your attention even before their tunes spin. These ladies, from all across the Caribbean and with a variety of styles go even further to show the beauty of our music and culture.
{note: This list is not in any order at all}
{note 2: This will not be the final time I revisit this, stay tuned for a next edition. Cherine. Michele. . .}
Alison Hinds [Soca, Barbados]
The Look: Curves! Forgive me for being so blunt, but “DAT AZZ is ridiculous”. It says a lot about what’s going on when Denise Belfon, an ass entrepreneur, deems your posterior to be “HUMONGOUS”, which is exactly what she did at halftime of Soca Monarch earlier this year in TnT. Of course, she wasn’t revealing a secret of anything, we knew that. The curves aren’t only in the back though and this beautiful Bajan gal, who has been around seemingly FOREVER has worked her way into the hearts of three (or four) generations of Soca fans worldwide with another few to come still.
The Persona: Musically speaking, I’m partial as hell, so the title belongs to Destra in my heart. But thinking with my mind and the good sense my parents gave me, Alison Hinds is the Queen of Soca, being in her presence is SPECIAL and I’m sure even Destra would agree.

Fanny J [Zouk, Guyane]

The Look: Le Caméléon. I’ve seen quite a few different looks from the former Fanny (apparently she added the ‘J’ in an effort to distinguish herself a bit) (as if her look weren’t enough) (it was), in her various videos and performances, however, two VERY attractive things seem to remain the same. The first is, of course, that DELIGHTFUL chocolate which covers ever nook and cranny of her body and THE HAIR. Call it her signature, you can always look for the short black hair with the blonde/platinum highlights and KNOW its sexy Fanny.
The Persona: Girl next door all the way. While definitely one of the more covered and high profile Zouk artists at this point, you would never know of her successes the way Fanny carries herself. Le fanm bél.

Irie Love [Reggae, USA]
The Look: Irie Love (which I think is here real name) looks like the type of woman who you might find yourself hanging around a lot without REALLY taking a good look at her and then one day. . . THE BOOM. Her look is very soft and comforting, but seriously, the more and more you keep looking at her. . . Like I said, THE BOOM!
The Persona: Kind of ‘over-cool’. Maybe a little TOO laid back. Maybe the girl next door who daydreams ALL the time. Irie Love, like I said, has a very comfortable vibes to her, but it usually comes with the feel that this woman, as ridiculously CUTE as she is, has a couple of things on her mind.

Tizzy from El-A-Kru [Soca, Antigua]
The Look: Because she isn’t on this list, I’m trusting that I’m actually placing Tizzy here because I believe that she deserves to be here (and not because I FIND HER DIVINE ABSOLUTELY IN EVERY SINGLE WAY POSSIBLE). Tizzy’s actual physical look is probably highlighted by the fact that she has (literally) a really large mouth and her hair. And keep going, beautiful skin, the large mouth is almost always smiling and she, above all on this list, ALWAYS seems like she’s having a GREAT time (oh and she comes complete with a flag melded to her hand, at all times, which has to come in handy at some time, doesn’t it?).
The Persona: As if there were any questions (and there weren’t), watching Tizzy jumping through the background of Destra’s video for Bacchanal should have confirmed it: Tizzy has a GREAT TIME everywhere she goes. Period. That’s sexy.
Tarah Holdipp [Soca, Barbados]
The Look: (Watch how terribly clichéd this is) (SHAMELESSLY!) Tarah Holdipp confirms the old adage THAT ‘good things come in small packages’ as this teeny tiny Bajan gal is certainly an attention grabber, even before her tune reaches your ears. Oh and Tarah. YOU SEXY. Track down the (matter of fact, I’ll do it for you) ‘Love De Carnival’ video and enjoy, as I did, a hands and knees leveled Holdipp crawling around in the sand and as much as I want to help her up, maybe I’ll wait just a minute. . .
The Persona: The serious one. Tarah DEFINITELY comes with a bit of an perceptible EDGE to her, although it’s one with a twist. She seems like the type of performer who INSISTS that her audiences have a good time. No problem their Ma’am.
Timeka Marshall [Reggae, Guyana]
The Look: Da Futcha. Timeka Marshall is a LOVELY girl and as she develops (and so do her curves) she figures to be one of the most divine faces representing the Caribbean also. Take that and combine it with a manner of carrying herself (which is also developing) and her luxury of being afforded working with the likes of Shane Brown, Stephen McGregor and Don Corleon, some of the biggest producers in the game, may just make that LOVELY face one of the most recognizable, the world over (and watching her laying on the backless couch, writing around, talking about “all night“ was a beautiful thing).
The Persona: At her young age (I think she’s 20), Marshall kind of has that over-coached feel to her, but as she becomes more and more comfortable, we’re certain to get to know the seemingly squeaky clean Guyanese songstress much better.

Goldee [Zouk, Martinique]
The Look: Very familiar. Don’t lie! Goldee looks A LOT like a slightly younger version of US Neo-Soul Queen Alicia Keys, doesn’t she? She’s not earth shatteringly SEXY or DROP DEAD GORGEOUS or anything like that (well, sometimes she is), but Goldee is just a CUTIE in every sense of the word and although she rarely grabs for it, you find a clip or a piece of a song with her going in English. . . PROBLEMZ!
The Persona: Goldee always comes off to me like she’s just VERY grateful and humble for the situation that she’s in. She also always seems REALLY inwardly happy, all of that is good stuff and I’ve got nothing bad to say about one of my favourite Zoukies. Nothing at all.

The Look: Healthy! I’m a pretty tall guy and I used to be quite ‘burly’, so I absolutely LOVE the ‘more proportioned’ size of women and Nadia Batson carries her weight in all the right places to my opinion. She also has quite a few different looks, of course, my preference is that ‘less is more’ and a toned down and relaxed Nadia Batson is very easy on the eyes (I do want her to lose her entire fucking mind when she starts singing though).
The Persona: “Powerful, dem nah like we”. It’s interesting that the main running critique about Nadine Batson is that maybe sometimes she kind of sort of maybe talks too much in her performances, having her audiences doing all types of things for her instead of singing her song. HOWEVER, she comes off ALWAYS confident and just STRONG that I’d hate to see what she might do to you if you didn’t comply (or maybe I’d LOVE to see it???).

Christina Starz [Dancehall, Jamaica]
The Look: Like most of the artists on this list, I was initially captured by the music of Christina Starz and, later when I saw her face, I was still impressed. Starz appears to ‘suffer’ from a pretty simple case of ‘Dancehall Queenism’, which means that you may have to look far and wide for a picture of her toning it down, but when you find such a thing (as I have here), then who you’ll find is one SEXY SEXY gal (oh and keep attentions on her, the woman has some SERIOUS skill and only figures to get better, learn more here).
The Persona: I know very little about Christina Starz to this point, although, you can expect the typical stylings of the female Dancehall artist. Yet, again, she figures to be on her way to becoming a mainstay in this thing so, we should get to know her better (although, as she shares a name with my wife, she figures to be off to a GREAT start).

Etana [Reggae, Jamaica]

The Persona: Crouching Tiger . . . Have you ever looked at Etana? I mean REALLY looked at her? REALLY??? If you have then you know absolutely why she’s on this list and I’m thinking that she should probably be in the top ten (so should Alison Hinds) somewhere. Etana has a very youthful and CLEAN look to her, but that kind of flare definitely comes along with a very comfortable sense of vibes coming from her. Oh and Etana’s a cutie, I don’t know if you guys knew that, but she is!
The Persona: This one is easy isn’t it? Etana’s very quickly on her way to becoming the most powerful and recognizable female face in Reggae altogether and has carried herself as such: The Princess of Reggae.
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