I don't even really remember what the hell I've been doing these last two weeks. It's been well fun sameway however. I THINK, for the first time, a full week has gone by (with this post right here) that I didn't write a full regular review (but biggup Tanya Stephens & Jerry Johnson), but I had good reason because of what's coming next week and I didn't want to waste my ammo (more on that in a minute). Still, I received quite a bit of response from across the board pretty much. There has and remains a large amount of people who responded to the Ladies In Waiting (which I would link to, but it's on this same page dammit). And not even just one artist or two (although there certainly have been favourites, biggup Empress Robertha and Empress Nyingro), but I've gotten various response from them all and from fans and industry people alike. Quite a few people also liked the Jerry Johnson review and asked me to do it again if I could. I will say that I did that on a spur of the moment type of thing, but if an album lines up like such in the future, I'll definitely try to do something different with it also and I will actively seek out those opportunities (but don't expect it like REALLY REALLY soon, give me a few weeks, I don't want to kill it).
And from last week, we had heavy hitters, there was BIG response on Lloyd Brown and Pressure Busspipe as is to be expected. Both of them (apparently) are out now and awaiting your purchases! So definitely pick them up (and I'm still getting response from a little older stuff from Lorenzo and Black Dillinger sameway).
It's going into December and next month I'm doing a TON of year-end type of things. Lists of course, strange lists, whatever lists and the big ones also. Albums of the year (top twenty), artists of the year (top ten), compilations of the year (top ten), new artists of the year (however many I can come up with), foreign stuff, labels, whatever. You have a suggestion, I'll be willing to listen yeah. And definitely a nice article type of 2010 predictions list also. And hopefully I can wait until the last possible moment to do those so I can have a chance to get my hands on EVERYTHING.
Nevertheless, thats then, this is now:
- Okay, this forth coming week, beginning tomorrow, it's 7 in 7. 7 reviews in 7 days (which was why I was saving my stuff for this past week). You can expect reviews of stuff like Lukie D's new album Love Again (which I just finished writing), Perfect's new album French Connection (biggup Sherkhan), HOPEFULLY a double review featuring Strictly The Best Vol. 40 &41, a vault review - Everton Blender style, and some other stuff also (Focus Riddim album, maybe Empress Robertha), just a HEALTHY week of reviews.
- The week after this next, I'll probably be on the road (My Mother's bday is the first of the month) (biggup Mama everytime), but there'll be usual stuff also. Hopefully my 'plan' works and I can get to work on this article I've been meaning to do from how long and there's also the matter of New Artist of The Month (and if someone knows Malkijah you link me there because I haven't heard a damn thing).
- I've gotten requests for stuff to do and that's cool, generally if you link me with anything REMOTELY exciting to do, I'll probably end up doing it (because I need stuff to talk about don't I), but a few people (ehhh-ehmm) need to link me back because I need some damn CLARIFICATION!
- And the usual stuff you know. Same old, same old. I probably won't do 7 in 7 for December, but there'll be a lot of crazy stuff going on all month and on that same notion if you know of something (or you are something yourself) BIG that's coming in December, definitely let me know about it, lest I forget about it come list time.
I think that's about it. Biggup my people always, everybody at Zojak (hey Zoe! Longtime), crazy stuff coming from them in December (even a Spanner Banner album) (damn) (and a Taffari album! I haven't gotten into it just yet, but SERIOUSLY, if you remember Taffari, you're a champion and I'm sure it's big material definitely). Biggup Denise and Lloyd everytime. Biggup Marc from Walkup & Jerry Johnson sameway. Biggup Sherkhan, biggup Dean Pond, biggup the IMMusic boys (wherever you may be), biggup James & Pashon and everyone else I've been in touch in with these days biggup VP, Joe Wiggins. Biggup Tippy from I-Grade, the Tune In Cre, biggup Daniel from VIReggae.com. Biggup the readers, John B everytime, Pawel (link me back Pawel), all the new people link me this week, the Monster, biggup The King of Montserrat (that was actually his name), biggup Asher, biggup Nico, biggup Lynx, biggup Fuzz, biggup Sub. Biggup the writers, Dale Cooper, Jah Concurz I even saw back, the girl from UnitedReggae.com, looked you up, Camille is your name. Biggup Ricardo. Biggup Rooted! Wherever in the hell you are. Selector Ras Fury! Everybody google the man, check him on Amazon, crazy writer, crazy lists also. And everybody else link me sinificantly in the last two weeks. Biggup Essential I.
And whatever song I put here, enjoy.
(Military Man, big artist)
Pictured, Mr. Lloyd Brown
Pick It Up
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